
Probiotics: Keep Your Baby Healthy

Keep Your Baby Healthy

Babies need a lot of nutrients and vitamins to grow up safe and healthy. Besides, they also need to have a clean stomach, so they would not develop chronic diseases that can affect their overall wellbeing.

Fortunately, probiotics, which are filled with tiny bacteria, are great for gut health. These digestive superheroes help fight constipation and colic and keep your babies healthy and happy.

However, most parents probably are not aware of what probiotics are. As such, they might be wondering whether baby probiotics can do good for their babies. So, let’s find out what makes these good bacteria great for the immune system. Let’s also explore how these can help make your babies healthy and safe from illnesses.

What Are Probiotics?

The term probiotic is the general term used to call the many strains of live microorganisms and bacteria that promote general health in your body. The presence of probiotics in the digestive tract is beneficial for the body.

Meanwhile, there are many sources of probiotics. Some are food supplements, and others are food like yogurt, kombucha, kefir, pickles and sauerkraut. And, the common probiotic strains that you usually see in food labels are lactobacillus, Saccharomyces boulardii and Bifidobacterium. Likewise, there are already some good bacteria in your body. However, taking probiotics supplements or mixing probiotics into your diet will increase their count.

Probiotics are helpful to infants because they have a fragile internal ecosystem. And building good gut health starts at birth, and probiotics will help make their gut stronger, which will make their immune system stronger. Besides, with good gut health, they can be protected from infections.

Are They Safe?

Some studies show that probiotics are safe for infants. However, it is still best to consult your doctor before you start introducing probiotics to your baby.

There are several different strains of probiotics, and they function in different ways. So, it would be best to get your doctor’s advice on which one is best for your baby. Also, the Food and Drug Administration considers probiotics as supplements, so it is not regulated like medicines.

Currently, there is no recommended dose of probiotics for infants. Hence, how much you should give your baby will depend on the advice of your doctor. In addition, some probiotics can cause side effects like bloating, allergic reactions, and stomach pain, so don’t forget to go to your doctor if any of these symptoms pop up.

How Can They Help?

There are many ways that probiotics can help infants. It can help balance the bacteria in your body and can prevent diarrhea caused by infection. Also, it is said to help control food allergies, asthma and eczema. In addition, it is said to prevent urinary tract infections and reduce tooth decay.

Potential Risks

While probiotics have very few side effects in children and adults, more research is still needed to completely understand their benefits and risks. In addition, prematurely born infants may develop adverse reactions to probiotics so, it must be given to infants with caution.

Types of Products

There is no recommended way of administering probiotics to infants. And that is why you need to rely on your doctor’s advice. Meanwhile, there are probiotic drops and infant formulas for babies. There are also foods that contain probiotics for older children.

Probiotics are good for the body, while baby probiotics can be beneficial for babies. However, you have to consult your doctor before giving infants probiotics to prevent any side effects.

Arnold Bloom

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