
Why Your Smartphone Freezes and What to Do About It

Why Your Smartphone Freezes and What to Do About It

You bought a new smartphone with decent performance and speed, but after about six months or a year you notice that the phone starts to slow down. Before, the apps on your Android opened in a second and you didn’t need to wait when 22Bet Uganda or another website was loading, but now it takes half a minute, or even longer – annoying. Let’s find out why your phone hangs and what you need to do to solve this problem.

Be warned right away: sometimes the hang-up smartphone is a sign that the model is outdated and no longer opens your apps. The problem in this case will be solved only by buying a new smartphone.


Overflowing Memory Cache

The entire memory of a mobile device is divided into two parts – permanent and RAM. The permanent memory is the internal storage, where applications, documents, music, videos and photos are stored. The RAM is used to exchange information between the programs and the smartphone system. It has a dedicated cache, which is a place to store temporary files, so that once used apps open faster the next time you start them. Over time, the cache overflows and the RAM simply doesn’t respond to the program. Even light applications stop launching quickly, and the screen and touch buttons don’t respond well to your touch.

To solve the problem, go to each of your frequently used apps and manually clear the cache. Most likely, on the list of the most popular apps will be social networks, YouTube, browser, shopping services, and media player.

Simultaneous Background Work of Several Heavy Apps

A heavy load on the RAM is another reason for problems with the Android phone. This often happens with inexpensive devices that have only 1-2 GB of RAM. After running several heavy applications running in the background, the device reacts extremely slowly, all because of the lack of free RAM.

To solve the problem, open the menu of running applications using the touch button at the bottom of the screen. After that, close the apps one by one or all at once with a separate button: in different devices it can be marked with an icon of a trash can or a cross.

If the phone still doesn’t work well, go to the apps menu as mentioned in the previous block. Select a program and click on the “Stop” button.

Overflowing Storage

Could it be due to a lack of permanent memory? If you don’t keep track of the state of your storage, clog it with media files and documents. The fact is that the Android operating system needs to update from time to time: downloading new security protocols, system settings, patches, and more. The OS downloads it all to ROM. If there isn’t enough space for updates, the performance of the device decreases.

To solve the problem, move most of your data to a microSD, a PC hard drive, or the cloud. If your smartphone gets clogged with files very often, you definitely need to pick a device with more storage space.

A Bunch of Unnecessary Apps

Inexperienced users download a lot of apps that they think are useful. However, it soon turns out that Wi-Fi scanners, live wallpapers and a dozen or so other services are simply not used, and only litter the smartphone.

Clean up the excess via the settings menu: open the program in the “Apps” section and click “Delete”. You can also do this directly on the desktop. Press the program icon and move it to the trash. On some gadgets a long press may bring up a drop-down menu – select the “Delete” command.

Viruses on Your Phone

If your smartphone is not working properly and you do not see the problems mentioned above, it may be that your device has picked up a malicious program. As a rule, viruses get on your smartphone through unreliable sites, as well as with applications if you do not install them through the official Google Play store.

Rolling Back to Factory Settings

Let’s say you’ve done everything, but the phone is still “slow”. Perhaps it’s left to apply a last resort – reset your device to factory settings. Backup all your settings beforehand and transfer important files to your PC or the cloud. After the reset the smartphone will be the same as it was at the time of purchase.

Arnold Bloom

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