The surgery focuses on the treatment of the nose shape and help to improve the breathing patterns.
In this procedure of nose job, the surgeon carefully gives more symmetry to your nose by changing nose shape and modifying the cartilage or the bone of the nose.
Asymmetry of nose can be a result of injury, accident or birth fault. Our nose is composed with a unique pattern in a sense the upper part of the nose is bone and beneath it, cartilage lies and skin is the organ covering them all. Therefore, rhinoplasty deals with all skin, bone and cartilage of the nose.
The Rhinoplasty surgery in Dubai
If you are looking for rhinoplasty surgery in Dubai, it is essential to choose a certified, experienced and registered surgeon. The best clinic for plastic and cosmetic surgery in Dubai also offers this facility. The success ratio of these surgical procedure increases when you select the best clinic and surgeon for you.
Cost of rhinoplasty in Dubai
Its cost varies from clinic to clinic. The method which is used by the surgeon also determines its cost. However, if you are looking for a successful treatment by an experienced surgeon, usually, the cost of rhinoplasty in Dubai lies within 28,000 AED to 35,000 AED based on the procedure you are selecting and your condition.
Procedure of Rhinoplasty
It is an outpatient procedure that doesn’t require an overnight stay in hospital. Prior to the surgery. Local or general anesthesia will be given to the patient. Sometimes, the doctor will numbed the nose itself and its surroundings and then deals with the bone, cartilage and skin of the nose of reshaping and modifying.
Moreover, anon-surgical rhinoplasty is another way to treat the asymmetrical nose. But in this case it doesn’t deals with reshaping and improving breathing patterns. It just fills the depression on the nose, smooth the bumps and lift the nose tip.
Benefits of Rhinoplasty
As nose is the prominent feature of the face, so everybody wants to make it well-symmetrical. So rhinoplasty gives enormous benefits related with aesthetical beauty and reconstructive purposes. Its extensive range of advantages includes,
- Symmetrical nose
- Alternation or modification of the nose shape
- Treats breathing issues and breathing pattern
- Restores the by birth and accidental nose deformities
- Enhances the aesthetic appearance of nose
- Offers psychological satisfaction along with symmetrical facial appearance.
Risks and complications
As it is not that, much complicated surgery but still a proper medical surgical procedure that offers various benefits. With advantages, there is, for sure, a risk of further complications. But choosing a certified and experienced surgeon and following the instructions of the doctor can minimize the chance of side effects. Some possible risks includes,
- Bleeding
- Scaring and swelling
- Pain and longer numbness
- Difficulty in breathing
Recovery after rhinoplasty
Beside the symptoms of complications, you have to visit doctor on every post-meeting. Follow the instructions and recommendations of the surgeon to make your recovery period faster. Try to cut all hard physical activities and take care of your nose while washing your face and taking bath. Try to avoid directly going under the sunlight and reduce all facial movements like excessive talking and laughing. Do not try to do any facial exercise.
Moreover, you have to select a qualified and experienced surgeon to reduce the risks of failure and other complications. In your appointment meeting, tell him your medical history and tell him about your goals. Moreover, try to set realistic goals.