
Top 9 Tools for Proper Competitor Analysis

Top 9 Tools for Proper Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is an important part of any marketing campaign. Looking at your competitors is almost mandatory in all aspects of promotion – from search engine optimization to social networking. Regular tracking of competitive activities will not only allow you to optimize your strategy, but also provide an opportunity to actively use successful techniques and cases in your own projects. For example, if you want to launch your sports app, you need to look at the most popular programs in this niche, like a 22 app, Unibet, or PointsBet. Here are 9 tools to help you analyze your competitors.


SE Ranking

This tool allows you to evaluate the position of your site in SERPs, find out the traffic structure of your competitors and also understand what their advertising efforts are focused on. The functionality of the service is quite extensive, and you can even get a marketing plan to help with internal and external optimization of the site. In addition, the service has other features, including:

  • Tracking the positions of sites by key queries. All changes will be recorded and (if desired by the user) sent in the form of notifications.
  • Selection of keywords and search terms.
  • Analysis of SMM indicators.


A multifunctional SEO tool that allows you to analyze your competitors, their links and positions. It is one of the most popular Russian-language sites.

The portal calculates the visibility of a domain name among the top 20 sites in Google. The higher the position, the more key phrases are involved in the ranking.

Netpeak Software

An analysis tool that offers users two products – Netspeak Spider and Netspeak Checker. The first is used for desktop site analysis on a number of metrics. The second tool deals with mass comparison and analysis of portals of interest. Both products have about 70 different criteria for analysis.


This comprehensive tool allows for competitor analysis, behavioral factors assessment, and several types of auditing. The set of tools of the service is wide and presented in an intuitive interface, and therefore will be useful for beginners.


The tool is paid, but there is a free package of services (up to 5 forms). If you sign up for the annual subscription there is a 50% discount.


One of the most well-known tools for evaluating traffic, its sources, links and social activities. There is a function for comparing performance with other resources.


Similarweb’s functionality is large and suitable for different types of users. The platform has its own browser extension that allows you to quickly track resource traffic.


This popular tool allows you to track keywords. Among the advantages are quick analysis of competitors’ ads, fast collection of the semantic core of the resource, as well as the ability to perform a comprehensive SEO process. The “battle of domains” function will help to compare several sites in terms of traffic and number of queries.

The tool provides an opportunity to analyze competitors’ sites and their search queries. However, the site has two features. The first is a keyword quality check – all duplicate and low-frequency variants are removed. At the same time, the resource still has the largest database of keywords – more than 76 million. The second feature is the ability to analyze the entire market niche – a resource looking for all projects, which are somehow related to the analyzed site. This allows you to effectively draw ideas and to separate yourself from your competitors.


A versatile tool that provides auditing, site analytics, and comprehensive promotion services. The portal calculates the position of the site in search engines for different keywords, identifies queries for which the site is usually displayed, as well as compares competitors’ sites. You can also view organic snippets and analyze ads.


The tool provides the ability to analyze the visibility of the site in search engine organics, helping to identify key queries. The user is also offered detailed reports on the traffic that goes to the resource. Among the indicators – the dynamics of traffic, the number of bounces, the average time on the site, etc. The peculiarity of the site is a wide range of possibilities for comparison, because the interface allows you to compare the performance of 10 sites simultaneously.

Arnold Bloom

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