
Taking a Break From the Kiddos: 6 Fun Adult Party Ideas

Taking a Break From the Kiddos

Need help with some adult party ideas? We don’t blame you.

Kiddy parties are easy. Pizza plus cake plus friends equal constantly distracted children who are too tired to put up a fight when you tell them it’s bedtime.

But it’s a lot harder and more expensive to entertain adults. Or is it?

Lucky for you, we’re about to make it a lot easier for you to throw a bash for your grown-up buddies. Rule number one, though, is that you get a babysitter to watch the kids for the night. Read on to learn how to host a simple yet totally not lame party for adults.


1. Wine Pairing

What’s more grown-up than wine sampling? Plus, you can make it easy by simply taking your party to your winery of choice.

Even better, you can make it a lot cheaper by hosting a DIY wine-tasting party at your house. Research appetizers you can pair with wine, then buy several types of wine and enjoy sampling with your friends!

Besides being fun for all, it’s also educational for you. At least, you’ll feel more refined, anyway.

2. Shaped Jello Shots

On the absolute opposite side of the drinking party spectrum are jello shots. One of the coolest things about a jello shot party is that it fits any theme you want.

Namely, you can get molds to pour the jello shots into that are shaped to resemble just about anything. For instance, you can have a zombie party and make jello shot brains and hearts.

3. Hooka Party

If you and your friends are into smoking, there’s a way you can class this up as well. And no, you don’t have to buy $1,000 Cuban cigars.

Instead, get some hookahs from and explore the art of the shisha party. Complete the ambiance with Eastern-themed decorations.

4. Casino Night

The beauty of a casino party is that there are so many different ways to do it. For instance, you can get really fancy and rent actual table games along with certified dealers.

Or, you can buy cheap knock-off roulette wheels or even download free apps. Scale it down even further and simply have a poker night.

The other best part is that you can do it as a fundraiser if you’re careful to follow the laws of your particular location.

5. Taco Bar

No drinking, smoking, or gambling allowed? No problem!

Everyone loves tacos (as long as you provide tofu taco filling for your vegan friend). Either find a Mexican restaurant that caters or make the meat and set up the toppings and taco shells yourself. Then, add all the piñatas and margaritas you want.

6. Game Night!

Lastly, break out the party games, plus the booze. Our favorites are Super Smash Brothers for video games, and Taco Takeover for board/card games.

Though most people say, “Drink when you lose,” we like the “drink when you win” rule. That way, the winners aren’t punished with sobriety. But they are knocked off of their high-horse by the staggering effects of alcohol consumption.

Try These Adult Party Ideas

Who says that kids get to have all the fun? Make the most of being 21-and-up with these adult party ideas.

Think these are all the ideas we have for grown-up activities and entertainment? Well, think again! Check out our Gaming blog to learn more about Call of Duty, online gambling, and more.

Arnold Bloom

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