IMILAB Global, is launching their new home security device, the EC4 Spotlight Battery Camera Set. As a leader in smart home security gadgets, the global innovator takes pride in offering all things safety for the home. With people returning back to work and school and spending less time at home, homeowners are flocking to update their home security technology, looking for cameras to keep their homes and properties safe from the inside out while away. Designed with state-of-the art features, the EC4 Spotlight Battery Camera Set will help make homes safer and is slated to be released later this month. “We are thrilled to help families feel confident that their homes are fully protected, particularly as they start to spend more time away from the home to enjoy summer activities,” says an IMILAB representative.
The EC4 Spotlight Battery Camera Set is equipped with 2.5k crystal clear resolution, which exceeds the resolution quality of the average camera. The camera offers a vibrant 4-megapixel live stream, making visual clarity affordable and achievable. A security camera is only as helpful if it can shoot high-quality video day or night. Not only that, the EC4 features a bright spotlight that turns on automatically if a person is detected at night, revealing a full-color capture when it is most needed. Significantly, the EC4 is embedded with artificial intelligence features that immediately tracks anyone that comes within its purview, whether they are coming or going, drastically reducing the rate of false alarms.
The EC4’s spotlight can be set up to design and protect certain areas in a home or on a property. If someone were to enter one of the defined areas, the spotlight will flash, and a built-in alarm will be triggered. The EC4 is easy and fast to install. One of the best qualities of the EC4 is that it is relatively low maintenance once set up. IMILAB’s reputation for developing state-of-the-art-technology that keeps families safe long precedes the launch of this new camera set. Recently, another one of IMILAB’s smart home products, the C20 Home Security 360-Panoramic Camera, was featured on the Good Things Utah ABC 4 Morning Show. The show’s hosts raved about the usefulness of the camera’s 360-degree panoramic view, advanced night vision, and human-AI detection. Not only is the camera designed to prevent it being triggered by false alarms, helping users know where true security issues are to worry about, but also the ability of the camera to see all corners of the room.
Just in time to help secure your home, valuables, and family during the fall and beyond, Imilab is a leader in smart home tech gadgets. Stay tuned for the release of the EC4 slated for August 18, 2021. To learn more about the EC4 and IMILAB, please click here.