
How to Care for a Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta)

Bettas are one of the most popular aquarium fish. They are calm, easy to care for, and make for a happy home for other tank inhabitants. However, they are also one of the most difficult types of fish to keep in an aquarium due to their specific needs.

If you are planning on keeping a siamese fighting fish as a pet, you should read this article first to learn how to care for a siamese fighting fish properly. Click here for more information.


What is a Siamese Fighting Fish?

A siamese fighting fish, or betta for short, is a type of freshwater aquarium fish. They are also known as “fighting fish” because of the aggressive male’s tendency to fight with other males and show off their colors for females during mating season.

Bettas are one of the most popular aquarium fish due to their wide availability, ease of care, and calm demeanor.

Why Should You Care for a Siamese Fighting Fish?

Siamese fighting fish require special care to keep them healthy. They don’t like to be kept in tanks with aggressive tank mates, they can’t be kept in a tank with too many plants, and they need extra oxygen at all times.

Bettas should also only eat live foods so you’ll need to feed your betta some sort of live food three times a day.

Siamese Fighting Fish Habitat and Tank Requirements

Bettas are best kept in a 10 gallon or larger tank, with a heater and filter. Bettas need a tank that is filled with water that reaches no higher than 2/3 of the way up the sides of the tank.

Bettas like to live in shallow and narrow areas so they can have an escape route from predators, but have plenty of open space for swimming. You should provide your betta with hiding places among plants, rocks, and driftwood.

Feeding a Siamese Fighting Fish

Siamese fighting fish eat live food in the wild, so it is vital that they are fed with live food in captivity. We recommend a variety of small fish and brine shrimp to feed your betta.

Some people feed their bettas bloodworms, but this should be done only as an occasional treat as they can have too much of a protein-rich diet and cause health issues. Bettas will usually not eat if they are already full, so make sure you don’t overfeed them.

Betta Breeding Requirements and How to Care for a Siamese Fighting Fish During the Breeding Season

If you want to breed your siamese fighting fish, the two most important factors will be their water and food. Bettas are carnivores and need live foods like worms or grubs to survive.

In order to properly feed them, you will need to invest in a separate aquarium and set up a separate tank for breeding. This tank should have a filter that is specifically made for bettas so they can get oxygen when they breathe near the surface of the water.

You will also have to provide a plant-based diet for your female siamese fighting fish during the breeding season. This is because the female betta only eats once every three days, whereas males eat more often because they are constantly on the go due to their competitive nature. You can feed them regularly by offering them frozen foods on a regular basis (once every three days).

Due to their sensitive gills, it is also important that you do not clean any part of the tank where there might be any ammonia or chlorine in it with soap as this can make your betta stressed out and cause irreversible damage to its gills. Lastly, be sure that your water temperature stays between 76-82 degrees Fahrenheit during both the breeding season and non-breeding season so your siamese fighting fish can thrive.


Siamese Fighting Fish are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish in the world. If you’re considering caring for a Siamese Fighting Fish, this is the guide for you. Here, you will learn about the Siamese Fighting Fish, how to care for a Siamese Fighting Fish, and how to care for a Siamese Fighting Fish during breeding season.


Arnold Bloom

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