
Front-end development trend: SPA, PWA, JavaScript, Node.js, and more

Front-end development trend

Front end development trends are sometimes easy to spot. However, it could take several years for them to become commonplace among programmers. Experts can fairly predict that Single-page apps, and progressive web applications will stay popular, while JavaScript development will continue to be favored. JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js will definitely be used in the majority of big projects, so for a fruitful career as a web developer, considering full stack web development course would be a great option. Many professionals believe that these trends will continue to grow this year. Let’s see the latest trends in frontend development.

Single-page applications (SPAs)

In terms of web experience, users prefer SPAs (single-page apps). The main difference between them and multi-page applications is that the switch between pages does not need a complete reload. It speeds up the page loading dramatically. Single-page applications are faster and less expensive to build. They are simple and easy to use. Users can access all of the information quickly, and on a single page. These web pages are mobile-friendly by definition. SPA will continue to be on trend this year and the years to come.

Progressive web apps

Progressive Web Applications will continue to be used by technology vendors to meet companies’ demand. The capacity to work offline through a browser that uses cached data is PWA’s primary distinction. They do not require a lot of space on a device. The key benefit of Progressive Web Application is that it improves the user experience significantly, which is guaranteed to boost conversion rates.

Server-side rendering

Server-side rendering will be used by programmers to improve website performance and SEO. SSR enables them to render content on the server side, which enhances the performance of the website. The biggest benefit is that search engines can index the web pages, which means it will appear up in the search engine results.

Trends in JavaScript development

In front-end development trends, JavaScript remains a popular choice. JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages in the modern era. As new features are introduced to JavaScript, it will continue to evolve this year. There are now almost 1500  thousands of JavaScript libraries available for frontend developers to leverage.

A long list of JS frameworks contributes to JavaScript ease of use. Frameworks for JavaScript are a useful tool for fast and easy programming. Frameworks offer developers a collection of components and widgets that can be leveraged to create a website or an application. Widgets are components that can be used in any development environment. However, it is important to keep updated with frontend development trends in order to select the ideal user interface technology for your app. Let’s see the most prominent JS frameworks.

JavaScript frameworks

Frameworks allow developers to use a collection of pre-made features to build an application. Because JavaScript frameworks already incorporate certain principles, patterns, and functionalities, they increase developer efficiency and speed up the development.

Almost every week, new frameworks are launched. Companies are looking for technical solutions with high performance, good security, and availability of talents. At the same time, developers are choosing the best suitable technical solutions to meet client’s demand. To select the best framework for your application project, you must first determine how popular each of them is, your application’s requirements, and the benefits and drawbacks of each framework.

To figure out what you should aim for, you must assess the frontrunners. The most widely used web frameworks were identified in a developer survey conducted by Stack Overflow in 2021. React, Angular, and Vue are still at the top of the list, and React comes out on top with a 40 percent score.


React is a library at its heart, with a slew of companion libraries. React is often used for small, and medium-sized application development. Support for TypeScript that React offers is beneficial to web development process. Because there is a template, it may also be used to build a website with minimum functional requirements on the front-end. However, as React does not have any mandated solutions, you will need JavaScript developers with extensive coding expertise and knowledge of both architectural patterns and native Javascript features, to build an app on React.


Angular incorporates a number of architectural solutions, including TypeScript. Angular is utilized as a framework for crafting complex enterprise applications. Its complexity is a drawback, but this framework might be a simple solution for a common scenario of complex projects. Testing, debugging, and dependency replacement are made easy on Angular.

Package Format with fast processing and more flexibility from internal APIs was added to Angular last year. It was also enhanced with API-simplified dynamic component development and ESBuild optimization of global JS scripts.


Vue is a widely used framework that has been racing the frontrunners for quite some time. Vue is famous for its modular architecture, versatility, and extensive documentation. Vue was created 8 years ago by a former Google engineer. Alibaba, Xiaomi, Gitlab, and other large corporations use the framework.

Vue is a perfect choice for small and medium-sized app development. Thanks to fast development at the start, software developers can quickly build an application with Vue.js. Its scalability helps a lot in the application’s evolution. Scalability in Vue.js is more straightforward than with Angular. Companies are increasingly hiring JavaScript programmers with Vue expertise since it’s faster to build a small but robust technical solution.


Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that is open-source and cross-platform. Node.js is based on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine; it enables the development of scalable web applications. Node aids in the server-side execution of JS code and the creation of real-time web apps. Node.js is super lightweight since it is built on an event-driven architecture and is running on a single thread. Node.js is also compatible with integrated development environments, and it is also backed by a document-based model database.

Thanks to its lightweight and flexible code, Node.js allows developers to easily build scalable apps. Node’s modular nature allows engineers to make code adjustments without having to make a full system update. This capability is useful for broadcasting media websites, apps that handle live short messages, and microservices systems. Node’s community continues to expand open-source tools utilized by programmers, which contributes to the framework’s popularity.

What tech solution for your app project?

Companies, on the other hand, are swiftly adjusting and moving toward more digitized operating procedures. Businesses seek a long-term viability, which they can achieve with IT-assisted automation. After monotonous operations are automated, developers can focus on some more complex assignments. User interface frameworks and libraries are essential assets because they simplify processes and provide customizable solutions for any specific requirements.

When deciding on the finest technical solution or framework for your app project, consider its popularity, availability of engineers on the market, work rates, stack development speed, and your app project’s needs. It’s vital to stay up with the latest innovations that programming languages like JavaScript make over time if you want to design a great app UI. That’s why your perfect vendor needs to follow all the trends in frontend development, and incorporate them into their workflows.

Arnold Bloom

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