
Cashless Mediclaim Policy: Save Money and Stay Comfortable

Cashless Mediclaim Policy

India is the land of festivals and celebrations, where people flock in search of happiness and joy. No matter how old one is, every festival has something new for everyone. Whether it’s a child or an adult, Diwali brings with it a sense of excitement and enthusiasm that one desires to relish their whole life. And what could be better than sharing this spirit with their family? It makes the celebration even more enjoyable and heartwarming.

But just imagine for a second if someone among their near and dear ones falls sick during such festive occasions! The last thing anyone would want at such times is medical expenses that pile up quickly due to the patient’s various checkups, medicines, and emergency treatments. This also brings down everyone’s mood.

Here is where insurance for health comes in to help them and their family get rid of such tricky situations. A Healthy Policy will provide for the medical insurance needs of one and their family members and ensure that there are no additional expenses on getting treatment done during unplanned illnesses or emergencies.

Let’s have a look at 11 benefits of cashless mediclaim policy for family:

  1. Cashless Claims – Medical expenses are rising every day, making it difficult for people to support themselves financially. With cashless claims facility available, one can rest assured that all necessary procedures towards fully recovering from illness can be taken care of without worrying about bills or money.
  2. Covers All Members – A family is incomplete without each and every member. And it’s not just one and their spouse but all members of their family who will be covered under a policy, irrespective of whether they are earning or studying. This ensures that even their children and parents-in-law can enjoy treatment and care as per their needs and requirements when required.
  3. Tax Benefits – When some illness occurs during the festive season, people tend to worry about how things would work out within such a small time frame because medical emergencies require quick attention like never before. But with health insurance policies that come with tax benefits, they can rest assured that there won’t be any more hurdles. In addition, they will also get a tax exemption on premiums of their health insurance policy for the year.
  4. One-Time Premium Payment – The most significant benefit is paying their one-time premium and forgetting about it. There won’t be any extra burden over them because most companies do rate revisions at regular intervals, which ensures that their financial condition doesn’t take a hit apart from medical expenses.
  5. Unlimited Claim Facility – During festive seasons or on family members’ birthdays, some people gift their loved ones jewellery as a token of love and respect. However, as these ornaments have an economic value attached to them, they must be insured to protect the gift from all sorts of risks related to it. Therefore, a cashless mediclaim policy is beneficial as it will offer unlimited claim facilities to the insured and their family members in such cases of jewellery loss, theft or damage during festive seasons.
  6. Protection against risk- Insurance for health covers certain risks that may occur due to an illness or an accident. These include partial disability, total disability and death benefits.
  7. No Claim Bonus – With a cashless mediclaim policy, one can enjoy the benefit of no claim bonus that is given to them when medical expenses are not claimed during a particular year. This amount can be used for further treatment or could be regularly saved in their family fund account because the earlier it will be spent, the more money they can save.
  8. Lifetime Renewability – One of the biggest advantages of insurance policies for health is that its lifelong policies. As long as one pays their premiums regularly and maintains certain terms and conditions, their health insurance policy remains active, providing all necessary assistance when required.
  9. Subsidy on Premiums – Companies for insurance of health offer subsidies on premiums depending upon different factors like age, gender, occupation, etc., making them more affordable than ever. They can save a lot of money this way.
  10. 24/7 Emergency Assistance – If one is on cashless mediclaim policy, they can get round the clock emergency assistance from insurance company’s panel of doctors who will assist them in case of any critical illness at their home or while travelling and even if it is 3 AM and they urgently require help.
  11. Coverage for Pre-Existing Diseases – Even if there was some chronic disease that had been troubling one for years before buying a health insurance policy, the cover given under such cashless mediclaim policy will still protect them against future risks related to ailments like cancer, heart attack etc., which may occur due to such conditions left untreated earlier.

Health insurance policies are beneficial as they will offer multiple benefits under one roof, including savings on medical expenses, tax benefits, and assistance round the clock. Care Health Insurance is best for any insurance work because they have maintained a good reputation in the market.

Arnold Bloom

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