
7 Things To Learn From Emotionally Intelligent People

7 Things To Learn From Emotionally Intelligent People

Emotionally intelligent people stay calm in stressful situations, because they are in control of their emotions. This article highlights seven strategies of emotionally intelligent people you can learn in order to achieve this. Some people know how to perceive and control their own emotions. They are more successful than others because they stay calm in sticky situations.


1. Goal of Perfection

Yes, it would be nice if everything always went perfectly – but it doesn’t. Emotionally intelligent people know this and therefore do not set themselves the goal of perfection. Instead, they see mistakes as opportunities to improve. Whoever tries to work perfectly and get perfect results is constantly disappointed that he did not achieve his goals. In the long run, this is frustrating.

2. Comparism

On the other hand, the grass is always greener – sounds trite, but it’s true. People with a high level of emotional intelligence do not compare themselves to others because their self-confidence does not depend on their successes. And if you are satisfied with yourself, you will not let anyone influence you in this feeling. Bradberry advises that people be generally skeptical of other people’s opinions, including the good ones. He says: “You are never as good or bad as others say.”

3. Being Resentful

As an emotionally intelligent person, you know that there is no point in harboring grudges. Because of this, emotionally intelligent people are quick to forgive mistakes without being unforgiving. If you focus on something negative for too long, it can trigger stress, which in the worst case can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.

But forgiving does not mean forgetting. Emotionally intelligent people forgive a serious mistake, but they remember it – and know who they can trust which tasks in the future.

4. Unnecessary arguments

Some conflicts cannot be avoided, which you have to carry out, otherwise in the long run, they lead to a bad mood and bigger arguments. But if you can control your emotions and read them correctly, you know when it is really worth fighting a fight – and when it is better to forego it. Conflicts always cost energy, which emotionally intelligent people prefer to invest in other areas.

5. Living in the past

Nobody is perfect, and mistakes can keep your confidence going. It’s difficult to get over it after a setback and start all over again. But those who are emotionally intelligent know that there is no point in living in the past. “Most of the time, failure comes from taking a risk and trying something that isn’t easy,” says Bradberry.

The ability to move on after failure is one of the main reasons for emotionally intelligent people’s success. When living in the past, the fear of failure keeps people from believing in themselves. Bradberry warns, “Then the past becomes the present, and you can’t move forward.”

6. Focusing on problems

The more you deal with problems and mistakes, the worse you feel. Negative emotions lead to stress and keep you from being successful and productive in the long run. Bradberry advises focusing instead on how to improve. “Emotionally intelligent people don’t get stuck on problems because they know they’ll work most effectively when they focus on solutions instead.”

7. Negative people

They are almost everywhere. People who complain about anything and everything. For whom every day is a bad day and who always suffer most of all. Of course, it’s okay to show understanding and listen to those who are struggling. But when you spend too much time with negative people, it is harder to stay positive yourself.

Also, staying positive is one of the essential skills of emotionally intelligent people. Bradberry says, “A good way is to ask people who complain how they’re going to solve a problem. You are then either calm or direct the conversation in a productive direction. “

Arnold Bloom

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