
What Is Involved in the Solar Panel Installation Process?

What Is Involved in the Solar Panel Installation Process

Are you curious about how solar panel installation works? If you’re thinking about having a solar power system installed at your home or office, it would be good to know what to expect.

Installation begins once you’ve decided to switch to solar power. You’ll actually have to do very little besides saying hello to the engineering team and installers, so there’s nothing to worry about!

But having an idea of the steps involved will help you gauge the time. You’ll be able to figure out how much waiting you have before it’s all finished.

Here’s a quick overview of what to look forward to while your solar panels are being installed.


Roof Inspection/Engineering Check

Every solar panel service starts the installation process by performing a roof check. This matters because if your roof is on the verge of collapse or you’ll need a roof soon, it doesn’t make sense to install solar panels there.

The engineer will check to make sure that there’s enough space for all the solar panels you’re installing, the roof looks good, and that there’s enough space to house the converter and all system components.

Once they’re satisfied that everything will fit where it’s supposed to, they give the go-ahead for the next steps.


Legal requirements for solar vary by state. Some states, like Colorado, encourage solar use, while others are a bit slower to accept it.

Your solar panel company will take steps to ensure that they follow all legal requirements for your area. This includes all permits, inspections, and necessary sign-offs.

This is actually one of the best benefits of going with an experienced solar company. You can leave the permitting process for the pros to handle for you!

Parts Ordering

Once all the legal stuff gets done, your solar energy company will order all the parts for your system. These include solar panels, electrical supplies, converters, batteries, and more. This can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on where you live.

Solar Panel Installation

The next step is to actually install solar panels for you. Again, you won’t have to do anything other than maybe be there to let the technicians inside. When the time comes, they’ll need to get in to install the indoor components of your new system.

If you have any questions about the installation process, check out for more information.

Final Inspection

After the install, you can expect the solar panels and your new system to go through one more inspection before you’re free to use them. This is to ensure that everything is working to code and you’re able to send extra power back to the grid in your area.

Power On

Once you’re past the final inspection, it’s time to flip that switch! You’re now ready to start using your solar panels and get your power from the sun.

Use Your Knowledge of the Process

So now you know what to expect during your solar panel installation process. Use this list to help you stay patient while you’re waiting for the project to get completed.

For more helpful tips and information about technology, home, real estate, and more, check out the rest of our blog.

Arnold Bloom

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