
Special Traits Effective Criminal Defense Lawyers Have

Special Traits Effective Criminal Defense Lawyers Have

Clearing your name when facing criminal charges can be challenging if you do not have the right legal expert to represent you. There are thousands of lawyers practicing criminal law, but not all have a good track record in the case outcome.

The best defense attorneys, like Cory Wilson, possess unique traits and strategies that put them ahead of the pack. They are critical in navigating the complex criminal justice system and protecting their client’s rights.

Besides looking at the educational background, portfolio, and experience, other characteristics make defense lawyers effective and successful in criminal cases, including;


1. They are Objective and Avoid Personal Feelings in Cases

Some might consider defense attorneys as villains for representing someone facing criminal charges. However, the best lawyers know that every person has a right regardless of the accusations against them.

It does not mean that the defense attorney endorses a criminal act but represents their client facing charges in a court of law.

Even if the person may appear guilty to others, the best defense lawyer protects their client’s rights and ensures the justice system is impartial. They will not put their feelings about the accused into the case as their objective is to provide the best legal service to their clients.

2. They Vet Jury Members

The jury plays a significant role in a criminal case verdict. An effective defense attorney vets the candidates to eliminate potential jury members who may have biasness in a case. The legal expert blocks candidates who are likely to be unfair to their clients or infringe on their rights

Defense attorneys have the art of examining jurors to determine their suitability for jury duties. When interviewing the potential members, They will use questions that can show biasness to disqualify them from participating in the court sessions.

In addition, the best in the industry will do a background check on potential jurors to use for vetting.

3. They Maintain a Professional Relationship with Clients

There is a need for trust between the lawyer and their client to succeed in criminal cases. The best defense attorneys create a professional relationship with the people they represent.

Setting aside personal feelings is critical in cultivating the best working relationship. It ensures defense lawyers provide the best legal representation to clients regardless of their alleged crime.

4. They Leverage the Power of Public Opinion

Public opinion has the power to influence the outcome of criminal cases. The best defense lawyers know how to leverage it for their client’s benefit. Public opinion can influence jurors to take a specific stand if a case attracts media attention.

The best defense attorneys know what people are saying about their case. It guides them to prepare their submissions and counter jury members’ perceptions of their clients.


The justice system should treat all people equally, but this is not always the case. If you are pursuing a career in criminal law or looking for a suitable legal expert to help with a criminal case, use the information in this article for your benefit.

Arnold Bloom

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