It’s no secret that social media is easily one of the most powerful tools you can add to your marketing toolbelt. After all, approximately 70 percent of Americans use at least one form of social media to stay in touch with friends and relatives. The only thing that’s risen as meteorically as social media is the number of myths surrounding it.
If you want to make sure you haven’t fallen prey to some of the most common social media marketing myths, then you’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn what they are!
You Won’t Need Email Marketing
Many people believe that you can forget about email marketing once you have a solid social media marketing campaign in place. Social media marketing might be ubiquitous, but that doesn’t mean that you can use it as the sole component of your marketing campaign.
Email marketing is still a critical component of any small business’s marketing plan. You can’t always rely on your social media ad to get in front of your customers because they might not spend much time on social media on a given day. Most people do, however, check their emails.
Ultimately, the number one rule of social media marketing is that it should never be your sole form of marketing.
Social Media Marketing Is Free
Social media became one of the most preferred types of marketing thanks to how easy it is to reach millions of people in a second without having to pay for ad space or air time. That doesn’t mean that social media marketing is free, however.
Some aspects of social media are free, such as the creation of a page or using the top Instagram hashtags for summer. That’s where the free aspect ends, however.
Social media requires the use of a variety of tools to create and time your ads, all of which cost money. You also need to take into consideration that actual advertisements cost money, whether they’re pay-per-click or pay-per-impression. While they won’t cost as much money as an ad spot during the Super Bowl, you still need to put money aside in your budget for them.
You Must Use All Social Media Platforms
If you’re a small business owner, you might believe that you need to have a presence on all of the major social media platforms, but that’s simply not true. The hallmark of any innovative marketing campaign is one that is carefully tailored to your customer base.
If your target demographic is women between the ages of 30 and 50, then you can skip TikTok and stick with Facebook. This will help you get the most bang for your marketing buck.
Don’t Subscribe to These Social Media Marketing Myths!
There are so many social media marketing myths out there. Avoiding them and staying on track with your small business’s marketing plan might feel a little overwhelming. Thankfully, all it takes is a little diligence, and you’ll be on your way to marketing success!
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